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Unit 3: I love my city

Key Competences

1.- Review Vocabulary: the names of places in a city, activities you

     do in a city

2- Use the past continuous and past simple.


3.- Learn "adverbs of manner".

4.- Learn  the volcanic activity

5.- Plan a tour in your city.

6.- Learn about  monuments in Italy and the history of Pompei   


7.- Write a story opener!

Letter to parents
1.-Places&activities in a city
Ancla 1
2.-Past Simple & Continuous
Ancla 2
Regular Verbs
Regular Verbs
Pronunciation Rules
Spelling Rules
Past Simple Sentences
Practise  Past Simple
Irregular Verbs
Past Continuous
3.-Adverbs of manner

Explore your hometown:(In groups of 2 or 4)
- Make a video of your city showing and explaining:
- the most emblematic monuments,
- typical food, 
- things to do.....
                           OF COURSE IN ENGLISH

Here you find information for your video:
 Examples:  Video1                        (max. 2 minutes) 
                    Video 2                        (max. 2 minutes)    

Deadline: ????

Ancla 3
Ancla 4
Ancla 5
Ancla 6

Review: You should have learnt.....



Core Vocabulary

bridge, castle, crossroads, fountain, pavement, pedestrian crossing, square, statue, steps, tower, town hall, traffic lights. 

catch a taxi, cross the road, get off the bus, get on the bus, go sightseeing, have a snack, meet a friend, wait for a bus.

car park, post box, phone box, roundabout, signpost, tunnel

Other Vocabulary

adventure / fairy / mystery / sports / spy story

 archaeologist, ash, Colosseum, emergency, erupt,  re alarm, gladiator, monuments, rescue, ruins, shield, sword, tragedy, volcano

characters, genre, setting

cooking, drinking, reading, running, sleeping, speaking, studying; cloud, coast, newspaper, planet, woollen hat; boat trip, costume, half past, o’clock, ride a horse, scary, scientists

Past Continuous

  • They were reading when it rang.

  • They were reading when it rang.

  • What was she  doing when it rang?

  • What were you doing when it rang?

  • Pardon. What did you say? I’m sorry. Could you say that again, please?

  • Where shall we visit next?

  • Where are they going to be at ten o’clock?

  • They’re going to be at the Trevi Fountain.

  • What are they going to do there? They’re going to throw a coin into the fountain.

  • We can’t turn back now.

  • We must help my friends.

  • The sea is too dangerous.

  • The setting is the place where the story happens.

  • The characters are the people who appear in the story.

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