M.B. Cossío
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5º-6º grade
1.- Vocabulary: different kinds of entertainment..
2- Grammar:
* Talk about experiences I've had in the past.
* Use the present perfect simple and the past simple together.
3.- Learn about"Learn about a children's choir in Uganda."
4.- Read and write different kinds of poems
6.- Give a presentation about "My favourite kind of entertainment.
Key Competences
Core Vocabulary
3D film, art exhibition, ballet, circus, classical music concert, comedy show, dance show, magazines,;
play, poems, pop concert, sculpture; act in a play, create a comic, compose music
juggle, make a lm, make a sculpture, paint a portrait
play in an orchestra, sing in a choir, write a poem, audience, face painting, juggling, live music, performance,lines, onomatopoeic, rhyme, rhythm, sound, syllable, verse; bow, cello, clarinet, cymbals, double bass, drums, drumsticks, ute, French horn, orchestra, violin; arts festival, drumming, poetry competition, wall painting, walk the tightrope, workshop
Other Vocabulary
been, bought, broken, decided, eaten, given, made, ridden, seen, sung, taken, written; bigger, deep, deeper, loudly, low, pretty, sad, slow, sweet; adventure / action / comedy lms, cinema, environment, lm director, nature, painting, restaurant, TV, zoo